Friday, November 4, 2011

A world for the old.

Story idea:

Spirited old man winds up being sent to an Old People's Home because his family thinks he's been losing his marbles.  There, he makes friends with the other residents, who are generally dour about being a drain on their families, not being contacted by their children, and having little to do.  He winds up inviting them into his fantasy world, re-imagining their plain surroundings into a much more interesting place.  Everyone gets to build their own fantasies where they express their issues and concerns, build using the rich experiences of their memories.

Slowly, the distinction between the real world, and the fantasies the old man have brought blurs away, until all the old people are living in a world somewhere in between, drifting towards the more fantastic.

Central issues mostly involving existentialism, and escapism, but also a strong positive focus on the richness of old peoples past experiences.  Also focus on the richness of the world they create for each other to live in.

Apparently this is Mary Poppins meets Bridge to Terabithia in an old people's home.  Needs to be written before old peoples' homes die out.